Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas this year was the best. We had all of our children, spouses and grandclildren together for breakfast and dinner. Lynn and I stayed home all day! That was a first for me. I even was able to keep that sweet Blake for a few hours and cuddle! My family is my greatest blessing and I love you all!

December and January were lots of kids and fun! Being a mom has always been the greatest blessing in my life and being a gramma is like being a mom all over again! Diffrent but the BEST!

January-Amy Nicole's Birthday! Wyatt stood and sang the Happy Birthday Song. It was soo cute.

Happy 2nd Birthday Wyatt! On February 6th Wyatt turned two! Brittany, Amy Nicole, My sister Peggy and myself took Wyatt, Blake, Hallie and Abby to the zoo. 4 adult + 4 kids= good trip!
