Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving dinner was at my dad and Sandy's house. All of my siblings and all of my children and grandchildren all in one place.

Later in the day we went to my uncle's house for more visiting with aunt's and uncle's!

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving 2009
Thanksgiving this year was lots of family time. I had 3 aunts come out for a visit from Oklahoma and Texas. We had a dessert night the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving. My Aunt Paula came from Oklahoma and my Aunt Pat and Aunt Barbara came from Texas. Those three and and my Uncle Dub came plus 4 of our 5 children and my Mom and her husband Elwyn and my sister Peggy and her family and my brother Ed and his family and my dad and Sandy. It was really fun.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Disneyland with the Family all 26 of us!!!

Since all of you know that I am a terrible blogger you are getting a BUNCH of pictures all at once. My niece Vanessa spent the day with me today and helped reteach me how to blog. She is the best! This summer has been a long, hot, good and hard summer. Family is such a blessing and they are the reason we make it through hard things. My brother just younger that me passed away in April of this year. He had struggled with addiction for most of his life and finally was released from this life. My sister Peggy was diagnosed with ALS in May of this year. With all of the hard things my children decided that a trip to Disneyland was overdue!! Amy Nicole and Amy Marie organized the trip. Their ended up being 26 of us. It was so fun to all be together at the Happiest Place on earth.

Lynn and Ryan Fishing Trip

Lynn and Ryan had a great fishing trip at Roosevelt Lake!!!

Camping trip Labor Day Weekend

We went on our first camping trip of the summer finally over Labor Day weekend! Went with my brother and his family, my dad and Sandy, Brian, Brittany, Amy Nicole, Hallie, Wyatt and Blake. We took Hallie with us on Friday and Amy Marie and Matt and Abby came up for the day on Saturday. It was very fun and at the end of the day Saturday the tired Amys'
and their families packed up and headed home. Camping with little ones is hard work.

Love those cute Grandkids!!!

June was lots of fun with the kids! Lots of treats and Big Fun!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

It is about time

So sorry that I am such a lazy blog poster!! Since I am you are getting a bunch of pictures all at once. Enjoy!!

Backyard fun

April l7th Grampa's Birthday!

March 16th Amy Marie's Birthday!

Ussery Pass barbeque in February!
